Thursday, 13 October 2011

'Christmas With Dad' 2008 Documentary

'Christmas With Dad' 2008 Directed by Conor Mccormack

The short documentary 'Christmas With Dad'(2008) has a variety of themes running throughout. Their is an element of 'poverty' within the family, this is emphasised through the use of shots that feature some of the children walking around practically nude with unclean faces. The theme of an uncertain future is clearly seen in this documentary, hand-held cameras help create a sense of naturalism i.e. the audience is potentially seeing a realistic representation of the family's lifestyle. The sounds used in this video mainly consisted around diegetic sounds. The non-diegetic sounds used in the documentary appear to be simple melodic tunes that connect one scene/shot to another. They work well with the given themes that run throughout the documentary.

The film's main focus is the idea of a poor standard of living, and how these people live compared to others. I enjoyed the video because it evolved around it's main theme effectively, it highlighted the difficulties the family are going through and showed their way of life. The video was successful in dealing with its subject matter due to the small 'interviews' and talks they included combined with natural shots of an 'average' day in the household.

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